Monday, September 25, 2006

je suis malade..

yep, i'm sick :( I always manage to get a really bad cough at some point during fall quarter. Apparently this time it's a few months early...i got some "sirop" at the pharmacie so hopefully it'll start working!! Anyways, I'm attempting to research "who pays" for the World Health Organization aka who finances it... but I mean, it's kind of boring. and by kind of, i mean INCREDIBLY.
So I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to update my blog...hopefully i'll get better at updating this more frequently...and feel free to comment on my posts too so that i feel like someone out there is reading this!!

So...not much new to say now that I have time to write. I love having a cell phone so I can talk to Matt and my family more often which is always good :) Definitely a money saver, because I'm sure I would have bought more than 49 euros worth of phone cards by december (that's how much the phone cost, it's a cute little sony ericsson phone). It has already been so effective in helping me plan stuff to do with everyone at FIAP, and once I'm not sick I'm sure it'll help more for going out!

For those of you who have facebook, don't miss the Giverny pics at Claude Monet's house. It was raining and I had no umbrella so I wrapped my scarf around my head like a babushka...and Peter called me Gypsy Vaughn. Then we had an hour to spare before our group went in for the house/garden tour, so we walked along the one-road town of Giverny...I really mean it. The city is one street's actually quite charming. So "Gypsy Vaughn" took pictures at some of the fun sights of Giverny, mostly out of deliriousness and sheer boredom. They're not to be missed...hopefully you won't all defriend me after seeing them. You should know by now how crazy I am!! So that definitely made the trip more worthwhile.

There are a few things I miss about the U.S. and certain things I plan to bring back with me. Here's a list that I plan to update as needed...
Things I Miss:
-My Chester's hot fries, the quasi-cheeto's snack I'm addicted to
-All of you guys (aww...teardrop)
-Having the capacity to talk to my friends whenever I want
-Having things open late at night within walking distance (well there's not that much in evanston either i suppose...)
-24 hours a day internet. The nighttime could be much easier to contact you all (aka you'd be awake then) but I don't have internet in my flat...sad day.
-Dance space and classes and ladycats and dance majors... I don't have Blomquist 5 minutes away to go dance at either...

Things I Plan to bring back:
-Bringing a tray to the table with all of the food/extra plates for the meal. That way the table is never full of a bunch of food! It's fantastic!
-Small portions of food in general: Having small delicious loaves of bread, two small slices for breakfast with a cafe and not being hungry until dinner...aka the food is so good that I'm never hungry!!
-Goat cheese! (and every other delicious kind of "fromage" we have at dinner...yum)
- Exploring the city (aka Chicago when I get back...Paris while I'm here)
- Going to bed early and making use of the afternoon. After all, the library closes at 6 pm here. I see now that our library encourages us to have unhealthy sleep patterns and study habits. Bad Northwestern, bad bad bad.

That's all for now :)
miss you all
xoxo jess


At September 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wanted to let you know i'm reading your blog and it's great! you sound like you're really making the most of your study abroad experience and having a blast. keep updating...and i'm gonna go check your gypsy vaughn pics now. love you nene.

At October 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jessica, j'ai besoin de plus de bloggings!
-ton PF


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